The Inner Spa

"It's not what happens that matters, it's how you feel". 
Karen Skehel, in Time Out

Networking, Connecting and Dilemma Solving

There is a growing need in the capital for community building, and connection with like-minded people. Not only that, but there is also a need for creative ideas to enhance our lives and help us solve our dilemmas, personal and professional.

In my experience, we both love to connect and have that made easy for us. We also love to take-away solutions to our pressing challenges and to help others solve theirs.

During our “Networking,Connecting and Dilemma solving" session with the event, you’ll have the opportunity to share a challenge, or dilemma (personal or professional) and get a roomful of solutions from other bright, inspiring people, many of whom are coaches.

Click here for details of our exciting workshops

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